Hello aliens. Every paragraphs is dedicate to that will think that they are in the paragraphs individualy.
first.work. don't try to bully me by asking me to multi multi multi task. I'm no robot asshole and don't irritate me when I'm busy. get a life mother fuckers!
second. i bought my new lg km900,this new balance limited edition shoe and merc London harrington worth $300,$140and$160 respectively.
lastly.life.just understand me can? I'm busy. if i have the time then I'll text you. don't fuck me when i didn't reply or reply you late as I'm working and busy with the unholy customer. please understand me,think about it,and tell me the solution and tell me the answer of your understanding.i'll date you out. no worries. i love you.
bye aliens.
yours sincerely,í
mister i-zack-zack!